Powerfuels 2: Stimulating domestic hydrogen consumption opportunities in South Africa
Summary of Research Report
In 2020, the European Union Delegation in South Africa (EUDSA) commissioned CSIR to write
a report on the opportunities presented to South Africa by Powerfuels – synthetic gaseous or
liquid fuels based on renewable hydrogen. Two main conclusions of the report were:
1) The combination of favourable solar and wind resource and available land allow South
Africa to generate Powerfuels and export it to North-West Europe and the Far East at costs
competitive with other renewable energy rich countries.
2) The ports of Saldanha Bay and Ngqura are well placed for the export of Powerfuels to
Europe and the Far East respectively.
In this follow-up study funded by EUDSA, a study was performed to determine what the future
renewable hydrogen demand may be from hard-to-abate entities within a 150km radius of Saldanha Bay and within a 50km radius of Ngqura