North-South Corridor under the Global Gateway: Presentation of the NSC study commissioned by the EU: SAVE THE DATE – 14 September 10:00 – 12:00 (online)

The European Union – through the Global Gateway Africa-Europe Investment Package – has prioritised the establishment of “strategic, sustainable and secure transport corridors” in Africa; and is looking for ways to support investment in multi-country infrastructure and to improve the policy, regulatory and institutional framework that is necessary to ensure effective connectivity across 11 priority corridors.

The North-South Corridor serves as one of Southern Africa’s foremost arteries for development, and as one of the region’s most intractable problems. The corridor is an essential conduit for regional trade in Southern Africa, and a key gateway for trade with the European Union and the rest of the world. The EUD to Pretoria has been appointed as the champion to develop the EU strategy for this specific  corridor. We would like to introduce more to all of you about the corridor.

With this corridor on mind, The EUD through the (EU-SA) Partners for Growth Programme commissioned an study to Christopher Wood  in order to provide EU Business and the EU Delegation with a complete and accurate assessment of the main challenges confronted by traders across the North-South Corridor with a short-list of actions that can be incorporated into the immediate advocacy efforts of EU Business and the longer-term development plans of the EUD. The study is just an initial demarche of the activities incoming within the corridor. We would like to present all of you the results of the study in an open discussion.

The programme for this event would be as a follow:

10:00- 10:20: Global Gateway and the NSC   (Rasa Jautakaite)

10:20- 11:00 NSC Study   (Christopher Wood)

11.00 – 11.15 Brief “tour de table” with the MS to better understand to better understand their eventual economic/trade activities around the corridor

11:15  Q&A