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Artificial Intelligence – new Act in Europe
📌 Artificial Intelligence Act: the EU lawmakers ratify new…

New Board Member to the EU Chamber – BusinessNL
The EU Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Southern Africa would like to introduce BusinessNL to our board

CMG final letter Pretoria EU Comments SA draft Notice 1211 of 2022 – ban scrap metal export
The European Union would like to thank South Africa for the opportunity to submit comments on the draft Notice 1211 of 2022 concerning the Trade Policy Directive issued on the proposed six-month ban on the exportation of ferrous and non-ferrous waste and scrap metal.

North-South Corridor under the Global Gateway: Presentation of the NSC study commissioned by the EU: SAVE THE DATE
The European Union and South Africa enjoy a unique strategic and preferential economic relationship that is embedded in the SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement, but includes cooperation across a much wider set of social, environmental, industrial, developmental, and security-related matters. The strength and impact of these economic and political relations is reflected in the deep linkages between companies and industries in the EU, and South Africa.

The SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement – Potential Export Opportunities for South Africa Joint research study
The European Union and South Africa enjoy a unique strategic and preferential economic relationship that is embedded in the SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement, but includes cooperation across a much wider set of social, environmental, industrial, developmental, and security-related matters. The strength and impact of these economic and political relations is reflected in the deep linkages between companies and industries in the EU, and South Africa.

Investment Climate in South Africa – Survey Results
The representatives of EU companies outside of South Africa have a strongly favourable perception of South Africa as a potential investment destination, relative to the nine other emerging markets that were rated as part of this survey. See the results in the full survey report.

EU Seminar: food safety and quality standards and trade opportunities
Two days EU seminar in South Africa showcases Europe’s high food safety and quality standards and trade opportunities

Showcasing the EU Chamber, the EU delegation and the European Investment Bank
About 70 members of the 6 bilateral European chambers that are part of the EU Chamber attended the networking cocktail that took place on Thursday 12 May. There were also about 10 guests from the EU Delegation, from various EU Trade Commissions and from the EU-SA Partners for Growth project.

Winds of change: Trade as a catalyst for board gender diversity
Women in Position of power. What are the outcomes and how can we achieve more diverse corporate leadership structures?

Energy Savings in Agriculture: EU Experiences to Support South Africa’s Ambitions
The agricultural sector’s importance to the South African economy has been highlighted in recent years;

Potential of offshore wind energy as a power source for South Africa
The global offshore wind energy market is growing rapidly while the cost of the technology - involving both shallow water 'fixed-bottom' and deeper water 'floating' substructures - is dropping significantly

Powerfuels 2: Stimulating domestic hydrogen consumption opportunities in South Africa
Powerfuels are synthetic gaseous or liquid fuels based on renewable hydrogen, which is hydrogen obtained by the electrolysis of water using renewable electricity. Powerfuels are therefore a renewable alternative to fossil fuels (as their use avoids net emissions of CO2), to be used in sectors which may be difficult to decarbonise and may not be easily driven directly by renewables-based electricity.